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Private jet charters

Renting a private jet compared to airlines is about the difference between public transport and taxis. Taxis are more expensive if you ride alone and do not carry goods, but it’s more convenient. It is even more convenient to have your own transport. But this is the big league. Therefore, the conversation about the cost of renting an airplane should be carried out last.

If you plan to rent a private jet in Miami, contact us and we will find you the best options. Here it can be quite easily and widely practiced. We recommend ordering a private jet and you will like it. Perhaps even so much that you no longer want to use the services of regular flights.

Miami private jet hire — air charter flight photo — American ButlerAdvantages of booking private flights with American Butler

If you own a successful business, leave municipal transport. Renting a private jet in Miami is a good step towards transport independence. Get used to a new level. Renting an airplane in Miami is fully justified and widespread.

Luggage picking and delivery problems in this case are also fully delegated to the service company or to authorized personnel.

Perhaps you should start luxurious habits and start by renting a private jet. Most likely, you will like it so much that you want to buy a plane for yourself.

For short flights and sightseeing tours, we recommend a helicopter. The advantages of a helicopter in lower cost, the ability to take off from almost any site, and there are enough helipads in Miami. The possibility of landing on any flat surface, visiting the islands. Most often, helicopters are ordered for fast business travel, remote picnics, wedding surprises for guests.

Renting a private jet in Miami is quite common. Charter, that is, private flights, have been mastered so far only in popular tourist destinations. Not so expensive and with a competent approach. Of course, a suitable climate and other legislation in the field of civil aviation are also important. Miami has excellent climatic conditions, private hangars for aircraft, and even private airfields. There are many quite prosperous companies in the market providing private flight facilities.

Miami private jet hire — United States jet photos — American Butler

Ordering a private jet in the USA — photo of a woman in a private jet — American ButlerRent a private jet in the USA

Jet hire in the USA is most often used when organizing business trips. The difference between the business and economy class of a scheduled aircraft, from the point of view of business owners, is small. Both of them await the flight and pre-register, spend a lot of time at the airport, are afraid to be late for the flight or to mix up the passages. For real businessmen, owners of casinos, restaurants, hotels, the business class is not interesting at all, arriving at the same time as the economy class. More convenient than limousines, trains, soft coupes and flights on various airlines.

There are many wealthy people on the coast. And among them are people who believe that a jet hire in the United States — the only way to avoid the hustle and bustle of the airport while waiting for a flight.

Renting a private jet makes it easy to avoid unnecessary conventions, once again to swim or play golf with business partners instead of the hassle in the waiting room.

Many wealthy Americans have their own air transport. For example, Jackie Chan, who departed from a luxurious life and preaches moderation and asceticism, did not manage to refuse one single item of luxury. From a private jet. Because ordering a private jet in the USA or even owning your own is convenient.

We definitely will find the best for you!

Leave your application for renting a private airplane in the USA or contact us by phone +1-305-588-7298.
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