
Miami Fashion Shows

Read the article and find out how fashion Miami lives, how much it costs to enter a fashion show, and how to become an American designer yourself in 12 weeks.

In Russia and the CIS countries there is a stereotype that fashion is entertainment for the rich. In America, things are a little different. Of course, American women will not strut around the kitchen in high heels and dress like they are going to the movies for the last time in their lives. With them it will become and to the supermarket in pajamas to come. But nevertheless, fashion here is the most petty-bourgeois matter. Everyone can see, touch, and make something unique.

Miami is famous for its variety of leisure activities, including fashion shows. The lion's share of them falls in the summer and early fall, when they can be carried out practically anywhere, even in the open air.

Basically, beach fashion is represented here. It is not surprising, because Miami is located on the coast. Over one summer, Florida hosts over a hundred events of various sizes — from local designers and shopping malls to major international fashion shows. We will tell you about those that are definitely worth the attention, time and money spent on entering.

As a rule, European designers persistently ignore such events in the United States, as Americans supposedly do not differ in good taste. But it is worth recalling the same Ralph Lauren, as this opinion no longer seems so true.

In any case, this gives way to many young and eminent designers from the USA, Canada and Latin America.

Miami Fashion Show — Victoria Secret Fashion Show — American Butler

Miami's largest fashion shows

  • Miami Swim Week

The most famous and authoritative fashion week for designers of swimwear and beachwear. Where else, if not here, to show this.

Fashion shows in Miami attract thousands of viewers, and invitations to shows of famous fashion houses can only be bought in advance. The average entry price tag is $25-50 if you buy in advance.

With the excitement and participation of stars of past seasons, prices can rise 5-10 times. It takes place in mid-July, the beginning usually falls on the 12-15th.

  • Miami Fashion Week

The same thing, but without the qualification of 18+ and with a large set of well-known brands. Entrance tickets to some shows are not required at all, and some cost up to $100-150. For this money, the organizers promise to plant among the local beau monde or skip for several shows at once.

Parking on site is paid separately — $25. Shows are usually held a week after the end of a week of swimsuits, in late July at the Miami Blue Lagoon.

  • Street Fashion Week during Miami Art Basel

Street fashion, presented not only in the format of shows, but also in the format of an exhibition of prints. At such events, the straightforward and the street fashion itself, and the price tag on it.

Entrance will cost from $20 to $40 depending on the number of sites that you want to visit. From life hacks — you can look at real street fashion absolutely free of charge in rave youth areas and art spaces.

  • Winter Solstice Miami

One of the most famous exhibitions of winter and demi-season clothing and accessories, which are not always useful in Miami. But it looks spectacular and beautiful, the first bell of upcoming holidays.

December 1 for $20-30 everyone can visit the exhibition pavilions, fashion shows and musicians on the venues. The lineup is announced a month before the show, so it’s useless to google in advance.

Miami Swim Week — swimsuit and clothing photo — American Butler

Fashion Workshops

Not only to stare, but also to join the industry offer many American fashion icons. Unlike Europe, the workshop format is very popular here, where representatives of the fashion business tell participants about how best to join this environment.

We will talk about the most sought after and effective.

  • How to Launch a Fashion Business

For $45 you will be taught how to design your own brand and promote it, what algorithms work and how to plan your budget so as not to burn out. Naturally, all this takes place in the atmosphere of the backstage of a fashion show.

The speakers are representatives of the marketing and creative departments of fashion houses. It will be interesting to visit there not only to startups and businessmen, but also to ordinary people who are interested in the underside of the catwalk and collections.

The venue often changes, so we recommend just signing up for the organizer's mailing list, MEF Productions LLC.

  • Sewing and Tailoring Workshop

Unique courses that allow, as the organizers say, to sew their new, or even the first collection. This lasts from April to July annually (a total of about 12 weeks, two lessons per week), costs about $1,500-1,600 (three payments of $520 each) and ends with a local show.

Courses are held in two languages at once — English and Spanish. The course is organized by Quintana Fashion Group Inc., on their website you can find more accurate information regarding prices, time, place and training program.

Americans are business people. They not only show, but also provide an opportunity to occupy a niche in the industry, encourage demand and make gears work. It is even more interesting to observe how the approach to fashion changes after crossing the ocean — no fopping, only efficiency.

Photo from the Miami Fashion Week — American Butler

American Butler company not only keeps track of fashion trends, but also tells you how best to plan a vacation in the United States and ideally fit fashion events there.

Want to get on one of the shows? American Butler will find you tickets!

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