American advertising and its features
It is generally accepted that no one will kill Japanese advertisers. No matter how! The USA will wipe everyone's nose. In the commercial center of the world they know how to do promotion, and you can't argue with that.
America is the birthplace of not only the greatest entrepreneurs, but also the most powerful advertisers in the world. Already here advertising is moving, so is progress moving in all directions. From a simple promo, she grew into the category of independent creativity.

History of American Advertising
The first advertisement appeared along with the first settlers and it was nothing particularly interesting. Most often, these were just exchange and sale announcements. But the Americans quickly realized that the brighter the labels and the more declared goods have wonderful properties, the faster the pocket gets full. And away we go.
Everything went under the advertisement — walls, leaflets, posters... In 1729, the newspaper Benjamin Franklin became the record holder for print runs only due to the fact that it was filled with graphically designed advertising.
Already from the middle of the 19th century, advertising agencies began to appear like mushrooms after rain. The industry has earned its full potential by offering millions of solutions for different audiences and becoming an integral part of commerce.
Let's see how the world of American advertising lives now, how it differs from European and Asian, and what trends are emerging in the future.

U.S. TV Ads
Television is a real Klondike for various promotion stories. And the Americans are well aware that it is through TVs that you can reach the majority of the population.
It is almost impossible to describe all types of American television advertising — there are some incredible amounts of them. But there are basic ones that make up the timeless classic of broadcasting.
- Television Stores
30 minutes to convince that without a miracle mop for $49.99 a full life will not work in any way — they can, they can, they practice. Despite the fact that we perceive TV shops as selling useless trash at inflated prices (as it often is), Americans are terribly fond of this format. Sometimes whole TV channels with round-the-clock broadcasting stand out for this.
- Food
Necessarily close-up, perfectly fried slices with dripping drops of sauce, a chocolate-filled dessert and sizzling bubbles of ice drinks... Everything, as they say, is guaranteed to murmur invisibly in the stomach. Especially they like to use fast food chains. The result of the effectiveness of the nation is evident. And on the sides.
- Medication
After eating, it is a sin not to heal. They promise to get rid of everything in a row — from excess weight, dandruff, impotence, headaches, weak immunity, dysbiosis and further on the list. 99% of such videos are accompanied by a list of rather frightening side effects and a warning that it is better not to use the drug without consulting a doctor. But who cares?
- Chic life
And here it doesn’t matter what exactly to advertise — cars, houses, resorts or hairdressers for dogs. Any hint that dollars can be exchanged for a sense of self-importance, and the Americans carry the money as bewitched.
But this is not all that advertising in the USA is rich in.

Audio advertising
One of the favorite tricks of American advertising is often used just in audio.
- Storytelling
Americans are recognized masters of manipulating consciousness. And, of course, they have long known that the best advertisement is a confidential story of a friend and almost a public confession. Especially when voice is involved as one of the most intimate channels of communication. Therefore, on the air of radio stations this block is often turned on.
For example, the listener witnesses a dialogue between two friends. One tells the other a terrible story about how he had a heart attack during a snack at work. The paints describe how painful it was, how a person was worried that he might die, how worried about money, how his wife cried when she arrived at the hospital... But thank God, he paid for medical insurance from Roga i kopyta, which covered the cost of his treatment and a long recovery period. Yesterday he played with a dog on the lawn and went to the cinema with his wife, and yet he might not have seen all this anymore.
In addition to sincere stories about everything in the world, audio advertising is oversaturated with various noise effects, which allows even to some extent to zombie the audience.

Internet advertising
The most familiar to us methods of distribution of advertising are also diverse.
- Newsletters
And this is not necessarily spam. Email newsletters are a complete promotional tool, and they are approached with all responsibility. Usually this is a stylish graphic with a selection of useful links.
- Viral videos
Well, there’s nothing to explain — the most effective hook of the existing ones.
- Banners
Here everything is quite conservative, in the best traditions of poster art. Despite the always high-quality design, advertising banners play the role of only an auxiliary means of promoting a product or service.

Outdoor advertising and physical media
And here everything is a little more modest. Of course, if you can call modest giant billboards and banners.
As a rule, such advertising is installed in crowded places, along roads and in shops. A typical scheme for promoting a product through outdoor advertising is the installation of stands at the point of sale, where the product is displayed in all its glory. And the rest works more as supportive measures. In general, one law works for advertising in this segment: everything that is not prohibited is allowed.
The most beautiful property of America is that for tourists it advertises itself. And the standard of living, and the availability of entertainment, and the climate — all the advantages are in sight.

And if you are still tempted to travel, American Butler will help organize all the technical aspects. Here is such an unobtrusive and, most importantly, true advertising. We are always in touch!