In April, the entire American Facebook seems to be dying out — everyone is on Coachella! This and other music festivals gather record audiences and are of real value in the world of culture. This is a chance to see several of your favorite musicians in one place at once.
Bonnaroo, Woodstock, Knotfest are not rock fests, but legends! Went once — you remember all your life. How can you not join?
Read the article and find out where it is better to go in the summer, where your idols will perform and why the Woodstock festival will soon shake the world.

Top 5 most famous American festival
As a rule, the most striking and interesting events on the road are associated with rock music. In this regard, the United States is one of the world leaders in the supply of high-quality performers on the world stage.
We present a list of the best rock and music festivals in America. All of them are so good that even if you do not listen to rock constantly, the chances are good to start.
- Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival
Coachella is the mecca of all music lovers. One of the most famous and profitable festivals in the world provides such a choice of performers that you can’t even believe it. Basically, this is a mixture of indie rock, electronica, very high-quality pop and rock classics. So only in recent years, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Beyonce, Muse, Drake, Radiohead, Outcast, Lady Gaga, Jack White, Guns N'Roses, AC / DC and Eminem performed on Coachella. And that's not all!
Tickets fly like hot cakes in a Russian store in Brighton, so it is advisable to plan your trip to Coachella fest in advance. It is held annually in the second half of April. The site is located in the Coachella Valley, city of Indio, California.
- Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival
Four-day festival held in Manchester, Tennessee. A paradise for those who want to hear their favorite musicians in jam format — a lot of acoustics, a lot of experimentation and always a friendly atmosphere, despite the annual 10,000 audience. Bonnaru is considered a place where the soul rests. And this is justified not only by the format, but also by the stellar cast. Since 2002, The Strokes, Sting, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Pearl Jam, Arcade Fire, Kanye West, James Brown and a scattering of those who constantly sound in our players have performed there.
The festival is held in mid-June, but getting to it is not so easy for the same reason as Coachella. Tickets will cost at least $50 excluding parking space and camping. But isn't it worth it?

- Knotfest
The largest event for fans to listen to what is harder from the legendary Slipknot and their friends. And no, this does not mean a hellish mess among the audience and a guitar fight on the ears. Yet many go there precisely for quality. This is a meeting of all those who never again organize joint performances - they individually assemble stadiums for tens of thousands of people. The spread of genres is also pleasing — from rap core to viscous nu-metal. For example, speakers: Deftones, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Lamb of God, Danzig and Slipknot themselves. Is it not power?
The festival lasts 2-4 days and usually takes place in October-November. The location is also changing — it all started with the native for Iowa Slipnot, but gradually the action moved to San Bernardino, California. Sometimes the second day of the festival takes place in Japan, so when buying tickets you need to pay close attention to the venue.
- Woodstock Music & Art Fair
The festival, which is expected as a miracle — long and in advance with delight.
The first time it was held in 1969 in New York and became one of the most significant in the history of music. A documentary about him (Woodstock — 3 Days of Peace & Music) received the Academy Award of America’s Academy Award and brought Martin Scorsese to the world, and in culture the festival is considered, no less, the final point of the hippie era and the beginning of the era of the sexual revolution. Admission was free; by the fourth day, half a million people had flocked to the site. Acted true generation icons - Janice Joplin, Jimmy Hendricks, Carlos Santana, Joe Cocker, Jefferson Airplane and many others. The audience in front of the stage resembled the sea. The festival became significant before it was born.
Since then, Woodstock has been held only on the anniversaries of the very first Woodstock — after 10, 20, 25, 30 and 40 years. The next 50th anniversary of the largest event in the history of American music will be celebrated in 2019. Reservation for tickets has not yet been opened, but the organizers assume a full sold out in the first hour after launch.
The festival takes place in August, but you can start preparing money, a visa and guarding tickets from January. Participating in Woodstock is something that can really be boasted to children and grandchildren in the future.

- Summerfest
A true musical marathon — 11 days and 11 scenes with musicians of various sizes and genres, from Johnny Cash to Britney Spears. During the festival, almost 750 musicians have time to perform on the venues. The total audience, just think about it, more than 1 million people.
In fact, it’s not just music that goes to Summerfest. Since it begins on the last Thursday of June and captures the Independence Day of the United States, pyrotechnic shows, performances by theater groups are held at the venues, expanding amusement parks and hosting America’s largest handmade fair.
The festival is held annually in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Tickets are inexpensive, and sometimes they are not provided at all, it is better to find out about this on the festival website a month or two before the event, but parking problems are almost guaranteed. Traffic jams begin at the entrance to Milwaukee, regulars advise you to come a day earlier and stay at local hotels near concert venues.

This is not all that provides the viewer with rock festival America. In order not to miss a single event, there is the surest method — to come at least for one and ask the locals. Does the mission seem impossible? Whatever the case, American Butler will prove the opposite.
Contact our specialists through a chat window or by email, and your journey has already begun!