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Smoking in the USA

Read the article and find out how America is choking smokers, why you should not pick up electronic cigarettes and what to do to smoke without risking your wallet.

What you need to know about smoking control in America

Smoking has never been so difficult! Welcome to USA! Because of the legalization of marijuana, many people think that in America you can smoke anything, anywhere and however you want. But no! Not only does each state have its own relationship with this, but nationwide bans add to the problems for smokers.

Smoked at home — eviction, smoked in the park — a fine, the fire extinguishing system worked — it’s easier to immediately sell yourself into slavery, because it’s unrealistic to find such amounts for payments.

Smoking is that bad habit that has infected the whole world from America. But modern Americans themselves are not particularly loyal to smoking. How it happened, let's try to figure it out.

Smoking in the USA: how Americans get rid of tobacco — American Butler

Who and what smokes in the USA

In general, smokers in America are divided into three types:

  • Cigarette — with them everything became difficult, and why and how much, we will tell further;
  • Cigar — pleasure is not for everyone, expensive and specific;
  • "Herbal" — which, as it was before the light bulb, remained.

The latter are many times larger than the rest. Tobacco smoking has declined significantly since the 90s. Thank you for this to the health associations.

The most powerful lung cancer control programs in the world were conducted in the United States. All the popular TV shows, opinion leaders and pharmacological companies spoke about the development of the disease, its consequences and second-hand smoke. At the same time, prices for cigars and cigarettes were growing by leaps and bounds.

A pack of cigarettes of not the best quality began to cost at least $7-9, tobacco counters and stalls began to be taken out to separate rooms and remote corners of supermarkets. Buy cigarettes without a special ID that confirms the age, simply does not work.

These measures have taken effect and to date, smoking people in America are almost two times less than in Russia. Although, against the background of legalizing marijuana trafficking in most states, this all looks a bit comical, the real health damage and cancer statistics are gradually decreasing.

American Anti-Smoking — photo of the crossed out cigarette sign — American Butler

Regulation and smoking rules

In 2017, new Obama administration laws governing smoking in public places began to be enforced. Under the complete ban fell:

  • Residential buildings (it is forbidden to smoke on balconies, in entrances, on roofs, in cellars, on stairs and underground parking lots of apartment buildings);
  • The space near the entrances to the buildings (the distance from the entrance to the smoking area should be at least 25 feet = 7 m 60 cm);
  • Public places (in cafes, restaurants, bars, public toilets, parks).

Formally, this prohibits all smoking, but in fact the restriction affected only cigarettes and cigars. The police practically do not pay attention to those who twist and set fire to all kinds of vegetation.

The exception is if marijuana is smoked next to children or in the middle of a busy street, where it is impossible to ignore.

These laws have been the subject of contention between politicians. Many opposed smoking bans in their own apartments, comparing this to interference with privacy and opposition to the Constitution. And also discrimination, because it turns out that only owners of their own houses = wealthy people can smoke. But this is not the most controversial moment.

The Harmfulness of Electronic Cigarettes — Smoking in the USA — American Butler


Regulation of smoking almost completely bypassed electronic cigarettes with nicotine modules. Thus, the authorities banned everything except electronic cigarettes. And that's why this is a bad gap.

  1. 01.The effect of electronic cigarettes on the body has not been fully studied, but there are already hypotheses about their greater harm. Since the nicotine module is designed for repeated use, a person ceases to accurately control and dose the amount of nicotine, which leads to increased dependence;
  2. 02.Steam and increased humidity in the nasopharynx cavity contribute to the development of fungal diseases and exacerbation of existing respiratory tract dysfunctions;
  3. 03.Officially, they are considered safe for passive smokers, but this is also not confirmed. Among passive smokers, allergic reactions to some of the flavors are seen;
  4. 04.Several cases of the explosion of the heating element of the steam generator in electronic cigarettes were recorded — if this happens in the vicinity of the face, the consequences can be more than deplorable.
Who and what smokes in the USA — photos of a man with marijuana — American Butler

Business reaction

In addition to the losses of the tobacco business, companies for the production of air purification systems went bankrupt almost instantly.

The latter even held rallies-protests: having gathered offended smokers, they called on the government not to ban smoking, but to invest in manufacturers of household and industrial cleaners. After all, this will make the smoking process safe and stimulate the income of manufacturing enterprises.

The result is still not visible, the shares of companies are falling apart, no one is going to cancel the bans.

The fight against smoking in America — statistics, facts, rules — American Butler

What to do if you want to smoke

Nicotine addiction doesn’t matter what order in the country. A person will suffer in any case, and the smoking problem will need to be somehow solved.

The most desperate spit on bans and smoke even in apartment buildings. But this is pleasure until the first dissatisfied statement of the neighbors. In case of complaints of smell, the landlord will be required to forcibly evict you within three months, and the police will take a substantial fine in the end. Someone goes to the same electronic cigarettes, but this is also a voluntary risk.

If you smoke and travel to the USA, there are several options for you:

  • Use special smoking areas — they are indicated by street signs;
  • Go for substitution — nicotine patches, aerosols, dragees (in America they are quite effective);
  • Try to quit smoking and start in advance, before the visit.

The latter option is most effective. But it can only be estimated after calculating the costs of cigarettes and frantic searches for ventilated areas.

Cigarettes and smoking in the USA — American Butler

The less bad habits, the easier it is to live. And we at American Butler also for this — you should not endure restrictions and at the same time harm your health when time and money can be spent traveling around the United States.

We are always ready and waiting for your applications. Write us!

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