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Miami schools

Schools in Miami, and in America in general, can be the most powerful socially significant factor influencing all aspects of life. Including even the cost of housing.

Schools in Miami and USA

If you are coming to Miami for a long term, or for permanent residence, you must assign children to the school. Public public schools in America are free and benefit from special government programs. At some schools, kids can even get a free lunch if parents fill out a bunch of paperwork.

Not all children attend schools. Some are homeschooled for various reasons. For example, according to religion. Or in order to finish the school course faster.

Miami Schools — American Butler
Studying in America, whether it is secondary or language schools, is a great help to eventually get a higher education in the United States.

Some features of the American educational system

Schools in Miami, as elsewhere in the United States, are divided into private, charter and public. In the United States, children are sent to school, usually from the age of 5. Their school life starts from grade zero. Not every state makes such a class mandatory, but parents, for the most part, believe that it is necessary to attend a zero class.

  • In the junior public school, from the age of 4, everything is very wonderful and there is a whole sea of developing entertainment. Volunteers and high school students often come to elementary schools to put on a play or arrange themed parties. Small children are engaged in physical education, yoga, various languages, singing, teaching of all creative disciplines to small children is excellently developed.
  • Middle school in the United States opens at the age of 11. At this age, a teenager leaves elementary school and moves on to middle school. Schools in Miami are no exception. The middle link of education ends with the 8th grade.
  • From the age of 14 to 18, it is the turn to go to high school. Most often, schools of different levels are located in different buildings. A high school in the United States teaches children mathematics, natural subjects, geography, national history, and English. Much attention is paid to the physical education of the child.

The secondary school, like the elementary and high schools, teaches exclusively in English. And in kindergarten, with a child, they can also speak their native language. There are frequent cases when in various groups of kindergartens in Miami, where teachers are fluent in Russian, French, German and other languages.

During the summer holidays, almost all schools function as a summer camp. Children here have a rest, play, go in for sports sections, circles, make various excursions. Camps in Miami are a great opportunity for children to improve their English, meet new friends and remember this vacation for a very long time.

Best Schools in Miami — American Butler

Benefits of private education

General education in the United States can be obtained for a fee in a private school and free of charge in a public one. For people who value comfort, there are private schools in Miami. Private school students make up about 15% of all students. The cost of education in private schools is quite high and averages about $25,000-35,000 per year.

  1. 01. Private schools in Miami for foreign children are preferable. And the level of teaching in such schools is usually much higher. Teachers receive various grants, participate in educational programs, undergo additional training, and so on. Therefore, the most ambitious teachers work in them.
  2. 02. Private schools in Miami are highly respected and even affect the cost of homes in the area. The best schools in Miami are able to turn a tiny house near the school into the equivalent of a palace in another area of Miami.
Private schools in Miami — photos of students in the classroom — American Butler

Russian schools in Miami

Russian schools in Miami are notable for teaching some subjects in Russian. These are private schools, but they are necessary for children who are not able to express themselves completely fluently in English. If English is in order, you can choose any Miami school. The same applies to small children. Full immersion in the environment is easier for small children to endure. A child under 5 years old can be safely sent to a good private or public school, and he will fully adapt there.

Once adapted, Miami's best schools, both paid and free, are waiting for you. School tours are provided for parents. Security is given great attention, just like that you won’t be able to enter the school. Need an invitation.

High school in the USA — photo of graduates in robes — American Butler

Top Best Private Schools in Miami

  • Ransom Everglades School

A private high school in Coconut Grove known for its strong academic program and respect for the environment.

  • Gulliver Schools

This is a private school chain in Miami that offers programs for students from preschool to high school, with a focus on research learning.

  • Palmer Trinity School

Offers a rich academic program with an emphasis on leadership development and community service.

  • Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart

The only all-girls Catholic school in Miami, with an emphasis on raising confident and accomplished women.

  • Miami Country Day School

A project-oriented school where students learn through active participation and critical thinking.

Photo of textbooks and an apple in one of the schools in Miami — American Butler

The best public schools

  • Design and Architecture Senior High (DASH)

The school offers an academic program focused on design and architecture.

  • Young Women's Preparatory Academy

An all-girls school focusing on science, technology, engineering, arts and math.

  • International Studies Preparatory Academy

Specializes in providing international education with a focus on Spanish and French.

  • School for Advanced Studies (SAS)

The school offers high school students the opportunity to simultaneously receive a diploma of secondary education and an Associate degree.

  • Mater Academy Charter High

The school makes every effort to provide students with high quality education and college preparation.

*In compiling this list of schools in Miami, we considered a number of key factors. Firstly, academic reputation — we looked for schools that demonstrate high rates in the field of teaching and student achievement. Secondly, we took into account the variability of subjects and programs — schools with a wider range of courses and specializations provide students with more opportunities for learning. Thirdly, we looked at the level of satisfaction of students and parents — feedback and satisfaction reports help us evaluate the quality of the educational process. Finally, we took into account the unique characteristics of each school, such as special programs, foreign language teaching, specializations in certain areas, and additional extracurricular programs.

Public Schools in Miami — American Butler

Place of residence and choice of school

In order to enroll in the school to which your area is assigned, you simply need to provide evidence of your residence in this area. This is a certificate from the owner of the property or documents on the purchase of residential property. The child needs medical certificates and vaccinations. Each school has its own characteristics, if you want to send your child to a public school, you need to be sure to call the nearest one and clarify the details. The state is obliged to provide free education to all living in its territory. Including illegal residents.

The value of real estate around good schools increases significantly. Children who live in the area around the school are entitled to free education and enrollment. Americans are very responsible approach to this issue. School is a springboard to the future life. Good grades in an excellent school will ensure the possibility of getting into a high-level college and further successful life. If there is no good school in your area, move around or take your kids to private schools in Miami. The second is cheaper.

Schools in the US are really very different. There are schools of simply delight, charm and admiration, but there are schools of “my God, what a horror.” And yes, “what a horror” schools are usually free, while “what a beauty” schools are private and expensive.

Education in Miami Private and Public Schools — American Butler

Schools in Miami are waiting for you. Contact our company and we will prepare all the necessary documents for you and negotiate with the school administration. We will help your child get into one of the best schools in Miami.

You can leave an application for search, selection and assistance in enrolling in one of the Miami schools, both public and private. We organize study tours for each of the selected schools, help with filling out questionnaires.

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