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Who is Elon Musk

The phrase “How do you like it, Elon Musk?” From rare memes long ago migrated to daily speech. There are not so many people in the world who are really moving science and technology forward. And Musk is one of them. In this case, he has never boring bespectacled in a bathrobe.

Rather, the person with the most interesting life in the world.

Photo of Elon Mask with the SpaceX project - American ButlerWhat you need to know about Elon Musk

For a start it is worth noting that Musk was born in South Africa, and in the United States he was led by studies and career prospects. A good example of how to turn from a visitor into one of the most influential people of the 21st century, an innovative entrepreneur and enter the Forbes list with a billion-dollar fortune.

Elon Musk was a quiet and secluded child of divorced parents, who could not get along with other children, but with books and equipment, one or two times. He often became an object of ridicule, peers regularly tapped him, teachers did not like for being ahead of the program.

At the age of 10, he received a computer as a gift and immediately began programming. Two years later, he sold his first game - a space shooter. He received as much as $500 for it, which in those times was quite a tangible amount. Since then, the two main passions of the Musk took the beginning - the obsession with space and entrepreneurship.

He continued to be engaged in programming, but this did not bring the same income. And Elon needed the money very much - he wanted to move to Canada and go to university. To save money, he, as a teenager, decided to start investing in stocks. Through the newspapers, he followed their course, and then sold, earning a few thousand. This was enough to move first to Canada, and then to the states.

University, by the way, he never finished. None of those in which he studied. And then there were as many as Canadian Queen's University and American Stanford — places that many can only dream of.

Together with his brother, Musk created the company Zip2 , which sold software for news platforms. Things were going so well that soon the computer giant Compaq bought it for $308 millions. Since then, Ilon had the opportunity to organize his own projects, many of which have already conquered the world. We will tell about them below.

In 2015, he created his own charitable foundation, donating money to research artificial intelligence and other technologies of the future. And in 2018, Musk was accepted as an expert in the natural sciences department of the British Royal Society of Scientists .

President Donald Trump even included Elon Musk in the so-called Strategic and Policy Forum - gathering the most prominent entrepreneurs as advisers on economic development. But due to disagreement with the political course, Musk left the forum in protest. It happened in 2017 and since then Ilon Musk does not support any official contacts with the authorities.

Photo of Elon Musk with his sons - American Butler

... And what to know is just curious

As it usually happens with geniuses, they cannot understand their personal life there without alcohol. Elon always said that none of his dates were successful: the girls in the cafe didn’t particularly like to listen to boring monologues about physics, and he couldn’t speak of anything else because of excitement. But at the same time, Musk already has six sons. All of them are from the first wife, with whom he disagreed at the university. From the second he married and divorced twice. Now there are rumors that Ilon meets with the informal Canadian singer Grimes, at least several times they lit up together - an interesting sight.

A genius, a millionaire, a playboy, a philanthropist - it was from Elon Musk that the hero Tony Stark was sketched in the movie “Iron Man”. The character, of course, had to be slightly modified for entertainment, but in general, the image turned out to be close to the original. Musk himself appeared in the second part of the film as himself. He also took part in the movie “Machete Kills”, the TV series “The Big Bang Theory” and “Childhood of Sheldon” and, of course, in the series “The Simpsons”.

Elon Musk grandfather was an avid aviator, his father - a civil engineer. Genes are not in vain.

Photo presentation of the car Tesla by Elon Musk - American ButlerElon Musk projects - from tunnels to space

We are confronted with the fruits of labor and imagination. The Musk is now and then - and when we make payments on the Internet, and when we turn on the TV and watch the news about new technologies and space exploration.

Elon Musk owns or takes a significant part in the companies:

  • PayPal is one of the largest payment systems in the world;
  • Tesla - manufacturer of the most comfortable and high-tech electric vehicles;
  • The Boring Company - a company engaged in the construction and installation of high-tech infrastructure elements (underground tunnels for traffic to relieve the streets);
  • SpaceX is the most famous project, the space program, which has no analogues. On their account a series of unique Falcon rockets, the Dragon ship and many achievements in the field of studying celestial bodies. After some 5 years they promise to fly to Mars;
  • SolarCity - Tesla's daughter company, is engaged in the installation and maintenance of solar energy systems;
  • Neuralink is a company practically from science fiction novels that develops and introduces neurotechnologies, that is, modifies and improves the performance of the human brain.

Despite the fact that in the Russian-speaking space, his name is known not so long ago, everyone in the United States is well aware that if it were not for Elon Musk, it would be much more boring to live. This man has become a real guide from the children's fantasy about the future to reality, bright and promising. And of course, this is a brilliant example of what career opportunities open up before a talented and enterprising person in America.

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