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Cruises from Fort Lauderdale by American Butler

Fort Lauderdale is the main tourist center of Florida after Miami. This is a small resort town with all the attributes of a luxurious summer: here and fashionable hotels, and endless beaches, and many recreational areas.

Also tourists are attracted by the location of the town - it is located very close to the ocean. There are many small and quiet coves, but there are also large transit centers that receive several ocean liners each day. This is the best place in the southern states to go on a cruise.

Sea Cruises from Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades - American ButlerWhat is good sea travel

First, it is an opportunity to visit several cities in a relatively short time: as a rule, cruises rarely last longer than two weeks, but during this time you can visit, for example, the key cities of the East Coast: Washington, New York, Newark, Philadelphia; or you can move in the opposite direction - there is the Caribbean and the countries of Central America.

Boat trips are popular with tourists for the following reasons:

  • This is an absolutely hedonistic vacation: the passenger of the liner is left to himself, but at the same time he is serviced at the highest level and offers many options for leisure during his stay on the ship;
  • The possibility of visiting all tourist centers. Companies that organize cruises also arrange city tours for passengers;
  • Bonus programs from the tour operator. Sea travel organizers always give guests gifts like free Internet traffic, coffee. Some may provide a gift deposit, which can be spent on guide services or buying souvenirs.

The most interesting thing is that even in the basic package of services, the client will receive a considerable amount of bonuses.

Where to go

Consider just a couple of popular routes in the direction described:

  • Loverdale-Cozumel (Mexico) - Loverdale. In addition to two stops, the cruise involves spending the night right on the high seas. Two stops: Cozumel and Key West (USA). The highlight of the route is the day directly in the open sea;
  • Fort Laudel - Ocho Rios Lauddale. This is an opportunity to visit Jamaica. Travel for 5 days.

To date, travel agencies offer more than three dozen routes that pass through this city. Contact A merican Butler to choose the best option.

Cruise liners from Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades - photo - American Butler

Collaborate with American Butler

Our company is one of the best concierge service providers in its segment. Never been to the States or know where to start organizing a sea voyage? Call us: managers will take on themselves all aspects related to the paperwork and selection of vouchers. We will select personnel for you that will make life easier during your stay in the USA.

If you need exclusive leisure, our company will be able to organize it.
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