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Schools and english courses in Miami

Language schools in Miami hold leading positions in obtaining quality education in the field of linguistics.

Learning English language in Miami is the most reasonable hobby, that you can afford. Rest in Miami is really luxury, it's the best resort in the world, the best beaches, the best clubs, the best entertainment, the best fashionable sales and the best sea fishing. Finally, it is the best Disneyland, located nearby.

Teacher photo at Miami english school — American ButlerMethods of learning English in Miami

The language barrier and lack of knowledge of English can somewhat spoil the impression of relaxation. In clubs, you won’t be able to chat and get acquainted, at sales it will not always be possible to explain what you want. Even fishing communications can suffer. We suggest visiting special English schools in Miami.

Learning english in Miami is an explosive combination of immersion in the language environment with quite powerful courses designed not for reading rare English-language signs, but for real live communication, interviews, filling out papers, business communication, using idioms and common expressions, understanding the meaning of jokes.

If you had to laugh for the company before, then after English courses in the USA you yourself can joke. This is highly appreciated in communication.

Teaching English in Miami and Russia is very different. In Russia, education is very weak, including even advanced courses, special techniques, secret personnel, hypnosis and sleep training. It seems that teaching English in Russia is specially conducted in such a way that a person learns to read Shakespeare in the original, learns a table of irregular verbs, but under no circumstances could he get out the secrets of his homeland in a casual conversation. And I didn’t understand what these strange people were talking about. Definitely not in English. Or not in the English whose study spent the best years of his life, including school.

Language schools in Miami — photo of a beautiful girl with the flags of the USA and Britain — American Butler

What give English courses in Miami

  • In addition to excellent language proficiency, courses provide certificates. You pass the exams and receive a certificate of English courses in the United States. Upon arrival home, you can hang it in a frame at the workplace and go to demand an increase in salary. Certificates are official, international standard.
  • Who do you think will go on a business trip abroad? Probably a man with a diploma. At the very least, having such a certificate will convince the employer that you will understand what is being discussed at the conference.
  • All continuing education courses will most likely be yours. And this is an occasion to slightly increase your salary, or to find another place of work.
  • If you already have some theoretical background, you can adjust the pronunciation, straighten the grammar and, finally, speak fluent English. Not in the dialect taught in Russian schools.
  • Teaching English for children is possible from 4 years old and is carried out in a fun way. In a few months, your little ones will be completely free to speak English. If children can read Russian, they can learn to read English very quickly.

Learning English in Miami - photo of a beautiful girl on the lawn in front of the school — American ButlerWhy adults should attend English schools

The benefits of spoken English are obvious. English is spoken by half the world. And the second half can somehow express itself. If you belonged to the second half before taking English courses in Miami, you have a great chance to go to the first.

You can even pretend you don’t know English and use a translator in business communication. But you will perfectly understand everything that the interlocutors say. Knowledge is much better than ignorance.

Well, where else can you get so much pleasure from learning?

  • Learning English in Miami is a very serious vacation upgrade.
  • The degree of English proficiency affects a successful career.
  • Perfect knowledge of the English language is the key to effective communication with people around you, fast career growth and a broad outlook.

What English schools in Miami offer

Miami language schools offer English courses:

  • Children from 4 years old — programs of varying degrees of activity, computer programs, educational games and brightly decorated teaching aids;
  • For schoolchildren — consolidation of previously acquired knowledge with an experienced teacher, preparation for exams in American schools;
  • Adults — business and conversational English.

Miami English teaching — American Butler

Preparatory programs

Miami English courses — student photos — American ButlerIn addition, courses offer services for the implementation of programs to prepare future students entering universities in Miami or the United States. Namely:

  • IESTL Exam Preparation;
  • Preparation for TOEFL exams is a mandatory test for foreigners wishing to enter a university or work in the USA.

The TOEFL test is divided into 4 parts:

  • paperwork;
  • oral speech;
  • listening;
  • reading text.

Miami language schools also provide tutoring services. The teacher, on an individual basis, is engaged in improving the level of the English language, focuses on emphasis, conducts classes of various difficulty levels.

The most suitable private teachers or language schools for you in Miami will be selected by American Butler.

Leave a request for selection or contact us by phone number +1-305-588-7298.
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