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Louisiana state

Louisiana in the United States of America is a state with a unique history, interesting cultural traditions that have absorbed the motives of different ethnic groups, ancient architecture. Visit Louisiana and see the beautiful natural monuments, get acquainted with the sights of the colonial era, plunge into the unique cultural atmosphere of the state - all this is possible with us, the travel agency American Butler.

For lovers of travel and real adventure, we organize tours and excursions to any city in the state of Louisiana.

The USA is a country of great tourist opportunities. A wide variety of holiday destinations can be found in almost every state of the country. One of them is the state of Louisiana in the USA.

Louisiana History

The state is located in the south of the Gulf of Mexico. The name of his state was in honor of Louis XIV, the sun king of France. Louisiana is also known as the "state of pelicans".

The time of existence of the state is estimated in several millennia. All this time in the state lived Indian tribes. This is indicated by numerous archaeological finds.

Until the 16th century, Indians lived in Louisiana. But in 1539 the Spaniard Hernando de Soto showed up with his expedition.

The most cultural US state of Louisiana - photo of one of the cities - American ButlerIn 1682, the French came led by the Cavalier de La Salem. They declared the area their possession and began to colonize. The king of France approved it. But something went wrong. The colonists had a hard time: they were starving, were attacked by the Indians, and the climate was quite specific. In the last expedition, the people rebelled and killed La Salle. And life has improved!

By 1718, residents founded the city of New Orleans. Half a century later, the British came to power, then the Spaniards, and then Napoleon Bonaparte came and Louisiana again became the possession of France. But not for long - after 3 years, it was sold to the USA, and by 1812 Louisiana became the 18th state of America. It was around this time that the largest slave rebellion broke out. To freedom broke hundreds of slaves. They burned down buildings and attacked the planters. Although the rebellion was suppressed, he marked the beginning of changes in society.

Over the past 100 years, French refugees have flocked to Louisiana. Their descendants were called Kajuns. This name is still preserved. Later, another social group appeared - the Creoles. These are the natives of Louisiana, born of white men and black women. Such citizens received a decent status in society, education and property. From Creoles went a special dialect in French.

Thanks to the fertile soil and the warm, humid climate, Louisiana developed as an agricultural center of the country. More sugar cane was harvested here, wherever. And through the port of New Orleans, international trade was conducted.

The civil war hit the state economy. Plantations and sea freight haulage were banished, slave labor was banned. Blacks began to massively leave the land. Hurricanes with typhoons did not help either. Serious consequences were after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, because of which 100,000 people were evacuated, and 80% of New Orleans was flooded. The state after this did not immediately recover. Helped tourism and found in the 50s oil deposits.

State populationcomposition of the population. Most of those living in Louisiana are Creoles and Cajuns, descendants of the French colonialists. African - Americans live here as well - descendants of brought slaves, French, Spanish, British and Indians. The national characteristics of the population are undoubtedly reflected in the cultural heritage of the Louisiana.

The historical past of the state affected the qualitative.

Climatic features of Louisiana

The state climate is humid subtropical. Summer here is very hot and long, winter is short and mild. Such climatic conditions are favorable for the development of tourism and attract tourists.

The main sights of Louisiana in America - photo of streets in New Orleans - American Butler

Major attractions

The state of Louisiana attracts lovers of architecture, antiques and museum valuables. Tourists annually visit the state to see for themselves the numerous parks and reserves, historical monuments of culture and architecture and the city of New Orleans, the largest in the whole state. The most significant and most visited sights of the state.

  • American Cocktail Museum

According to one of the versions, the birthplace of the cocktail is America. In New Orleans, the entire bicentennial history of the drink, ancient recipes and cooking secrets are gathered under one roof. Also in the museum Exposition of old books about alcoholic beverages. The museum constantly conducts master classes, exhibitions and excursions. Here come sommeliers and bartenders from around the world.

  • Swamps of Manchak

The south of Louisiana is mainly a marshland, but the Manchak Marshes are the most famous of all the marshes. This terrible place is connected by a legend about a follower of the cult of Voodoo, who cursed these lands. A few small villages disappeared after a hurricane after a while. There are no animals and birds, the plants wither, and eyewitnesses claim that ghosts wander here. In addition, the swamp is teeming predatory alligators. But, despite this ominous reputation, the Manchak swamps constantly attract tourists.

  • Myrtle Plantation

Another attraction for thrill-seekers is the Myrta Plantation mansion. Interest in it is caused by ghosts that supposedly live in the house, and tourists are invited to even spend the night in it. A local legend tells of the slave Chloe, with whom the master cut off his ear for eavesdropping. The maid held a grudge and baked a cake, adding poison there. As a result, the planter’s daughter and wife poisoned and died, while Chloe lynched. Since then, the ghosts of the dead have wandered around the house.

  • French Quarter in New Orleans

This is a whole part of the city, attracting tourists from all over the world. Located on the coast of Mississippi, the quarter is distinguished by colonial architecture. The buildings of the 17th century were built under French influence. Now it is souvenir shops, cafes and restaurants, art galleries. The famous Mardi Gras Carnival with the biggest dolls in the world is held here.

The population and history of the state of Louisiana - photo of swamps in the reserve - American ButlerMore about sights

  • Old Capitol at Baton Rouge

The 137-meter capitol in 34 floors - a government building. The monument is recognized as a national treasure of the country, entered in the register of historical places.

  • Vermillionville

The city that managed to preserve the Creole and Cajun culture, reflected in the architecture and traditions. In the city there is a bridge 30 kilometers long. It is one of the longest bridges in the USA. Art lovers can visit the Cathedral of St. John, built in the style of the Italian Renaissance.

  • Cemetery Lafayette

This is a necropolis occupying the whole quarter of New Orleans. Once the cemetery was located in the town of Lafayette, later joining the big city. On the territory of the cemetery there are more than 1500 crypts and graves. The necropolis is also known for the filming of the films “Interviews with the Vampire”, “The Ancients”, “Double Miscalculation”, and “Dracula 2000”.

  • Aquarium of the Americas

The building is also located in New Orleans. One of the largest aquariums of the two continents has collected all kinds of aquatic biological species.

  • Mackaylenny plant in Avery Island

They make the famous Tabasco sauce. Excursions to the plant are organized, so you can not only see the process of making the sauce and try it, but also visit the Tabasco pepper plantations and visit the local botanical garden.

The main symbol of the Pelican and the stupid laws of Louisiana - photo of bridges in New Orleans - American Butler

The main symbol of the state

Louisiana is called the Pelican state. This bird is the main official symbol of the region. Brown Pelican is depicted on the symbolism of the state, printing, old coins.

Interesting facts from the history of Louisiana

  • In 1803, France sold the USA more than 2 million square kilometers of land. On this territory today settled 6 whole states and lands another 6 states.
  • 41% All the marshes of America are in Louisiana.
  • Louisiana, more precisely, its city of New Orleans, is the birthplace of jazz. This city gave the world names such as Louis Armstrong, Sydney Beshe, Lonnie Johnson. Every spring, the Jazz Festival is held here, which attracts musicians from all over the world.
  • It was in Louisiana that the dollar sign was coined. Its author is Oliver Pollock, a businessman.
  • The largest city of New Orleans suffered irreparable losses in 2005. The powerful Katrina hurricane practically flooded the city. Thousands of people died, thousands more left the city.

Stupid Louisiana Laws

In the state there are many ridiculous laws that were approved at different times and under certain conditions. Here are some of them:

  • do not belly-rumble in public places;
  • pigs are supposed to be fed with food waste previously roasted;
  • during the parades, you can not throw condoms into the crowd;
  • crocodiles cannot be tied to fire hydrants;
  • can not have sex with cows.

Photo tour of the attractions of Louisiana from American Butler

Sightseeing Tours of Louisiana by American Butler

A fascinating vacation in the state of Louisiana is offered by the American Butler travel and concierge services. Especially for our customers - various tours, individual and group tours.

You will be able to fully appreciate the sights of a state rich in history.
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