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Higher education in the United States

Higher education in USA according to the results of various rating studies is considered the best in the world. Higher education is at an excellent level, gives a pass to the heights of a career, is recognized throughout the world, except for a small number of countries.

Getting an education in America today attracts many people. American Butler will help you realize your dream — to get a higher education in the USA. You can get acquainted with the conditions and all our services on the website.

Graduates of US universities run corporations, conduct scientific research, descend into the vents of volcanoes, explore Antarctica, fly into space, develop space programs, new medicines, build skyscrapers and develop conceptual spaces.

USA Higher Education — photo of a group of students attending a university lecture — American ButlerFeatures of higher education in the USA

The bachelor’s diploma is already evidence of higher education. You can immediately get an enviable position in the United States. The “master” degree is oriented more toward the improvement of knowledge, and the last stage is a doctor of philosophy, which allows teaching and conducting research activities. A similar scheme began to be introduced in the Russian Federation at the beginning of the twenty-first century. However, unfortunately, the national bachelor's degree is still perceived by many members of society as an incomplete education. Employees of human resources departments of large corporations are reluctant to take a bachelor's degree for a post that requires an applicant with higher education.

For training at the university they pass tests (GRE, GMAT, SAT). You need to get a high score for them, as well as have a high-quality letter justifying the uniqueness of your candidacy. To study for free, you need to worry about a scholarship or grant in advance.

Outstanding athletes are trained for free. In the United States, sports scholarships are paid, but only one year. You can extend the scholarship after the end of the season if the athlete improves his initial performance.

When studying at US universities, the right to participate in a student exchange project is granted. Such a program involves coordination between universities for internships or studies for 1 to 2 semesters. Russian students live in a studio. town or host family.

The higher education system in the United States distinguishes 3 stages:

  • undergraduate studies;
  • magistracy;
  • graduate school.

USA colleges — student photo in library — American Butler

Stages of study at US universities

  • Bachelor

You can enter a bachelor's degree in one of the US universities with a certificate obtained in the Russian Federation or Kazakhstan. Studying lasts 4 years. Young people choose a specialty after studying 2-4 semesters.

There are no rigid boundaries of specialization in universities - there is a list of compulsory subjects, and other disciplines are chosen by students individually. There is no stable division of students into groups. The main disciplines for the future specialty are taught in the 3rd and 4th courses.

USA universities — Harvard University campus photo in Boston — American ButlerEntering one of the universities in America, applicants note significant differences compared with domestic universities. So, the "Unified State Exam" after school is absent here. Of course, the required documents and terms are also different.

  • Master

After graduate and defense of the diploma, the student is awarded the title master. This degree can only be earned at one of the universities. Although the concept of education is in many ways similar to the undergraduate program, its saturation is much higher.

There are 2 basic programs for the preparation of masters:

  • for professional fields;
  • for students planning to continue their studies in graduate school and devote themselves to science.

Upon admission to a magistracy, a diploma of higher education is required.

  • Graduate school

Talented young people who want to further build a career as a scientist or teacher are entering graduate school. It will take four to six years to study. The student receives the title of Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science, which is equivalent to the Russian title of candidate of science.

Many universities are allowed to enroll in doctoral studies, having completed only a bachelor's degree.

How to get higher education in the USA — photo of female student at the library — American Butler

How much does studying at US universities

US Higher Education System — students in the park — American ButlerFirst of all, think about the “issue price”. Higher education in America is paid, although such investments are certainly justified. The costs will pay off literally in the first years of work, since graduates can immediately apply for high-paying positions. The cost of higher education in the United States starts at $30,000 per year. You can study without payment using:

  • scholarships granted according to the results of studies;
  • grants for insolvent students;
  • payments provided by universities.

Such subsidies will be able to fully or at least partially cover your financial investments.

Universities and colleges are usually privately owned. Therefore, the cost can be very significant, depending on the rating of the institution.

Most popular American programs:

  • Fulbright;
  • Edmund Mask scholarships;
  • AAUW fund.

Higher Education in the USA — undergraduate, postgraduate, and graduate studies in the USA — American Butler

Why choose the USA for higher education

Indeed, many choose to study at a university for reasons of prestige and with an eye to their future careers.

  • Recognized professionals in their field teach at the best universities in the USA, non-standard thinking, solution of different types of problems are welcomed, a creative approach is being developed. This applies not only to the humanities, but also to mathematical and technical disciplines.
  • Universities provide practical training for specialists in various areas of maximum demand. Students perform real tasks already during training and gain significant experience in the profession by the time they graduate.
  • Theses are often a real scientific research, talented students receive the necessary publications for the continuation and development of a career.
  • For enthusiastic students, colleges provide maximum development opportunities. There is a choice of teachers, academic leaders, the initiative of students is strongly encouraged.
  • If you are only interested in prestige issues, you can learn to a minimum, adhering to the given framework, without particularly straining. True, in these cases you will have to fully pay the cost of training.
  • In prestigious universities, students are acquiring new and useful acquaintances. The caste system of elites in America is not as pronounced as, for example, in England. But to say that origin and family are absolutely not important, only knowledge is significant, it would be untrue.
  • Large companies are interested in talented students at the training stage and provide internship opportunities, bonuses, scholarships, study tours and seminars.

The cost of higher education in the USA — students work at a seminar in the audience photo — American ButlerBenefits of higher education in the USA

Every year, universities in the world compete for leading indicators. According to current ratings, 7 out of 10 positions are held by American universities, among which Florida colleges are in worthy places.

US universities — a guarantee:

  • wide choice of professions;
  • modern technical equipment;
  • opportunities for scientific activity;
  • practice and effective internships;
  • relationships with industry leaders;
  • your diploma will be recognized internationally and in any country in the world;
  • great prospects.

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