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Cruises in the USA

A cruises in the USA and North America is a picturesque alternative to a series of land excursions. On a comfortable ship, conquer 3 oceans at once, East and West coasts of North America. Cruise companies will help to choose an interesting route for each client, preparing dozens of options with different duration and price.

3 reasons to go on a US cruise

  1. Vacation in the US - a grand event that can in itself make friends and acquaintances jealous of white envy. If you are planning a vacation in America, why limit yourself to just one city? Arrange a small round-the-world tour by going to the sea voyage on the brightest places of the continent. Just think how many amazing places and cities you visit at a time: Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco. Choosing a continental cruise, we add to the list Vancouver, Canaveral, the homeland of the once prosperous Mayan civilization, whose end of the world forecasts have stirred up the whole world - Mexico and much more.
  2. Many routes offered by cruise companies leave room for imagination: you can choose from existing options or create your own.
  3. Still, there is some kind of romance in traveling by sea. The whales and dolphins accompanying the liner, the pacifying sound of the waves, the lunar path on a clear night will captivate more than one creative person. Huge liners take into account the interests of each passenger: a restaurant, karaoke, casino, library, SPA, swimming pools and tennis courts are complemented by energetic animators who are ready to entertain guests during the trip. Here you will find what you were looking for regardless of whether you are traveling alone, with your family, or decided to mark a significant event on the cruise .

Cruises in the USA and North America - American ButlerSea cruises in North America: where to go

There are cities that are worth visiting only for the sake of these cities in order to feel their atmosphere and the frantic pace of life, but there are places that they come to for a specific purpose. We have collected only a fraction of everything that can be seen:

  • It is a sin to come to the USA and not to visit the largest cities of the West or East Coast , where Hollywood films are shot and there are famous attractions on the entire planet;
  • Snow-covered mountain peaks, beautiful bays and lakes will meet visitors to the Alaska Peninsula. Get to the most remote capital of the US state - Juneau, to personally examine the glacier located nearby;
  • Do you think maya uncouth savages? Be convinced of the opposite, having looked at the air palaces and locks built by them in a heavenly spot of the Yucatan Peninsula;
  • Feel like modern pirates, walking along the water plains of the Caribbean to the former capital of world piracy, Tortuga;
  • British Columbia in Canada is still filled with the atmosphere of Europe: 2-storey red buses create the feeling that you are in an uncharted part of London.

Sea cruise can be the main purpose of a trip to America, a separate part of the trip or even improvisation. Due to the climatic conditions, it is better to choose this type of holiday from June to August, but in northern latitudes even summer will not save the cold.

Cruise liners and ships in North America and the USA - American Butler

Features booking with American Butler

Choose a personalized tour with American Butler. The company is constantly searching for new routes and is ready to embody the wishes of the customer.

Most cruises originate in the port of Miami, but, at the request of the client, American Butler will help to be at the right time anywhere in the country and start the journey from there.

American Butler is sure that it is necessary to try in life if not everything, then sea cruises in the USA and in North America for sure.
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