Ransom Everglades School

Private school offering high quality education and college preparation.
  • Institution type:Private day school
  • Language:English, Spanish
  • City:Coconut Grove
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Ransom Everglades School

Ransom Everglades School — a tradition of independent education



  • Ransom Everglades School is one of the most respected and significant private schools in Florida, with AdvancED status in the Southern States College Association, as well as membership in the Southern and National Associations for College Admissions Counseling, the National Association of Independent Schools, the Board of Entrance Examinations in college and others.
  • Ransom Everglades has special programs for gifted children. The educational institution takes part in various scientific and public projects, donates money to victims of natural disasters, and finances environmental projects.
Photos of Ransom Everglades School in Florida — American Butler

Paul K. Ransome, a New York City educator and lawyer, opened Pine Knot Camp in 1896 as a boys' school in the Coconut Grove area. In 1902, he merged it with the Adirondacks campus of New York to create the Adirondack-Florida School, the first migration boarding school. Ransome took a curriculum based on the experiential current. Students attended campus classes in Florida during the winter and in New York during the fall and spring. The school suspended teaching during World War II. But it reopened in 1947.

In 1949, the Adirondack campus was closed and the school continued in Coconut Grove as an all-boys school.

Ransom Everglades School was formed in 1974 in Miami as a result of the merger of Ransom School and Everglades School (the Everglades School for Girls, opened in 1955. It was founded by Marie B. Swenson) into a single educational institution with a co-educational program. The school continues to be influenced and guided by the values of its founders. About 20% of Ransome Everglades Private School students are foreigners or have a mother tongue other than English.

Infrastructure and conditions

Infrastructure and conditions

  • The school accepts from grades 6 to 12 and 100% of Ransom Everglades students go to college for further education. 85% of those who enter receive university degrees. This is a high percentage. The main emphasis is on quality education and maximum opportunities for further education. About 150 students graduate from Ransom Everglades School each year.
  • Tuition at the Ransom School is over $40,000 a year. The price includes meals for students. Books, notebooks and study guides must be purchased independently. Additional classes, language and elective courses, excursions are paid separately. This is the general rule for private schools.
Photo of Ransome Everglades School in Coconut Grove — American Butler

Buildings for students in grades 9-12 are located on the site of the first Pine Knot camp, on the shores of Biscayne Bay, on Main Highway. The middle school is located on South Bayshore Drive.

Ransom Everglades School is the oldest of all schools in Florida, preserved in its original location and is not only an educational institution, but also a historical site. This is the best and highly privileged place for cultural adaptation without losing self-identity.

Ransom Everglades Private School owns fairly solid real estate holdings, manicured gardens and classically styled mansions. The school cares not only about the comfort and space of the pupils, but also about aesthetic education.

The child receives all the best, the best teachers, the best training plan, a habit is formed for classes and intellectual work. For talented and gifted children, there are various support and financial assistance programs that are discussed individually.



  • Address

    3575 Main Hwy, Miami, FL 33133

  • Telephone


  • Language

    English, Spanish

  • Web site




  • 6-12 grades

    • Tuition — $49,250, including lunch daily;
    • Bookstore deposit — $450;
    • The entrance fee — $100 for new students and does not apply to studies;
    • Registration fee — $ 2,500 USD, payable upon enrollment.

Open the door to opportunity with Ransom Everglades School!

Ensure your child has a quality education, leadership development and preparation for a successful future.
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Open the door to opportunity with Ransom Everglades School!
Ensure your child has a quality education, leadership development and preparation for a successful future.
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