
US Visas

The American Butler company will help you to sort through all the details of the visa policy of the country of opportunity.

What are the visas in the United States

How to get a visa in the US alone? Every yesterday's applicant will tell his story. Often reviews are contradictory. For some, it was one of the easiest visas, for others — an unjustified refusal. But if objectively — the US visa policy is democratic.

Do you want to open a visa in the United States, but do not know where to start? Do not worry. This section contains all relevant information on this topic.

Nonimmigrant visas to the United States: how to apply for a US visa — American Butler

Types and categories of visas in the United States

America attracts by sights, medicine, business prospects, the number of trainings and training programs. Therefore, before the trip, decide for yourself what exactly you will do this time. On this depends on which visa to collect documents.

All travel purposes, except for permanent residence, are covered by non-immigration visas which you will learn more about. It's all very simple. If there is a desire and reason to move to the United States for permanent residence, then you need an immigration visa. If you want to come on time and go back, then you need to apply for a non-immigrant visa.

American Butler Company with pleasure will provide you with information about their varieties and the mechanism for obtaining it.

What are the visas in the United States — photos of tourists with the American flag — American Butler

Types of US Non-immigrant Visas

  • Business visa

The United States is a country of opportunity, courageous people and creative solutions. If you want to take your business to a new level, you need to learn from the American experience and get new partners.

To achieve these goals, these objectives require a B-1 visa, which is issued when necessary:

  1. 01.conference trips;
  2. 02.business meetings with partners;
  3. 03.business contracts;
  4. 04.buying or selling real estate.

Get ready to give clear answers to questions, without unnecessary information, without simulated emotions. If necessary, provide prepared in advance supporting documents.

  • Tourist visa

Most popular of all. It is the B-2 visa that must be obtained before flying. Today, US visa centers open a common B-1 / B-2. But Documents and arguments need to prepare for each separately.

You need a visa B-2 if you:

  1. 01.going to visit relatives or friends;
  2. 02.Want to visit certain attractions;
  3. 03.want to attend a course of lectures that does not take less than 18 hours a week;
  4. 04.decided to have a baby in the states;
  5. 05.going to America for medical care.

Do not be afraid to confess to the consul in the desire to conduct medical care in the United States. Provide medical records and financial support for the trip. This will be enough for the visa officer. After discharge from the maternity center or hospital, take a statement of payment of bills. This will save questions during the next visit.

Unfortunately, all who apply for this visa are considered as potential immigrants. Therefore it is necessary to prove to the consul his connection with the country of residence. This could be real estate, permanent high-paying job, children / parents who stayed.

For a successful job interview, you need kindness, a polite smile and a great travel history.

Logo of the US Immigration Department — US Visas — American Butler

This can not be done!

Getting a visa can not:

  1. 01.Provide fake documents;
  2. 02.Answer the wrong questions.

Having received a visa B-1 / B-2 you can not:

  1. 01.Receive education;
  2. 02.Work;
  3. 03.Provide paid services;
  4. 04.Do journalism;
  5. 05.Stay live.

For any country, compliance with its laws is important. Therefore, violation of visa rules entails a partial or life ban on entry.

  • Student visa

With it you can get education in advanced educational institutions. If you are enrolled in a non-academic course, you will have to apply for an M-1 visa. If you are enrolled in a college, university, language course, etc. for more than 18 hours a week, you need an F-1 visa.

The advantage of this type of visa is that automatically, if desired, the visa is issued. Your family members: your wife and children up to 21 years old. They will be able to stay in the country with you, but will not have the right to work. Answer questions confidently, truthfully and then be sure to get the opportunity to study in the best universities of the world.

  • Work Visa

It is issued for temporary work. Its term is most often 2 years. Applicants for this type of visa must meet certain requirements, have an employer in the United States. They are divided depending on the specialization and direction of work on H, L, P, O, Q.

This is one of the most expensive visas. It will have to pay a consular fee of $190. For all other types of non-immigrant visas, the consular fee is $160.

Types of US nonimmigrant visas — American passport photo and model aircraft on the table — American Butler
An interesting fact: the wife of the previous president of America, Melania Trump, once arrived in this country precisely on the work visa category O. It is issued to persons with outstanding abilities in a particular area.

  • Exchange visa

Vida-J is issued to students, trainees, teachers, specialists in the field of science, culture, art, education. The goal is an exchange of experience.

The consular fee in full will not have to pay if the event is organized at the expense of budget funds.

  • Transit visa

A visa C-1 is needed if the purpose of travel is not America, but the route passes through its territory and at the same time the tourist visa B-1 / B-2 is not open.

For a transit visa it is necessary to provide tickets confirming the way to the United States and a valid visa to the country of destination.

  • Visa for media workers

Journalists, videographers, film crews need a type I visa to perform professional activities . To obtain it, the employer writes a petition indicating the name, position, specifics of the assignment in the United States and its deadlines.

Photographers, videographers, making private visits can open a tourist visa, provided that they will not make a profit from their activities in America.

How to get a non-immigrant visa in the United States — photo of shale on the beach — American Butler


How amazing in the USA! The variety of interesting places is so great that the company American Butler does not have time to talk about new ones.

Do not drive yourself into the frame, allow yourself to see how huge and beautiful our world is. Our company does not issue and does not facilitate the issuance of visas, but will take care of your comfort while traveling around America.

Types and categories of visas in the USA — photo of a beautiful model with the flag of the USA — American Butler

Get a visa to the United States and discover new horizons.

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