
Tips for tourists in USA

Read the article and find out how to navigate American streets and avenues, how to survive at night in the black quarter and why join the club of hotel fans.

TOP-10 tips and tricks for tourists in the USA

Before packing your bags, you need to gather your thoughts — do you know how to make your trip to the USA comfortable and safe? Here American Butler experts know and are happy to share advice and recommendations.

Especially for you, we have compiled a list of the 10 most important points about traveling to America. In addition to advice, we made useful cheat sheets and drew attention to the most necessary household trifles, without which you will definitely have a hard time overseas.

San Francisco Golden Gate bridge photo — 10 Important tips for US tourists — American Butler

Practical and useful tips

Extra knowledge does not happen, especially when you are in a foreign country. As a true connoisseur of tourist America, American Butler has compiled a memo of the 10 most important tips for tourists.

The states are beautiful, but statutes are even more beautiful if you learn the following rules and recommendations.

  1. 01.Money

Even if your budget is strictly calculated, you need to take 20-40% more with you. At a minimum, additional costs will appear in the articles:

  • Tipping — always leave 5-18% in taxis, cafes, restaurants, hotels and other institutions where you are provided with any kind of service;
  • Taxes on purchases — the amount of tax is not spelled out in the price tags, since each state has its own rates. At the checkout, the amount payable will always be more than you expected.

Cashless payments are supported almost everywhere, but it’s better to use cash at gas stations and mobile phone stores. When paying at gas stations, a little more can be debited from the card than on the check. And mobile companies can automatically deduct monthly service charges from a specified card every month, even when you leave the United States.

  1. 02.ID card and passports

Make a certified copy of your passport in advance. It is better to keep the passport itself in a safe place and without having to get it out — its loss can turn into big problems.

You can ask for an identity card, for example, in a situation where you pay in large bills. This is normal practice and there is nothing to worry about, but for such things it is better to carry notarized copies with you.

TOP 10 tips and tricks for tourists in the USA — American Butler

  1. 03.Security

The level of safety on the streets in the United States is quite high. But still, some rules are better observed — they will help to maintain their good even in disadvantaged areas at night.

  • Carry $15-50 with you in cash — in case of an attack, you can give this money away and most likely they will leave you behind. Do not resist — many criminals have weapons. It’s better to just give the values, and then immediately contact the police;
  • Try not to show your wallets and expensive equipment in neighborhoods with a poor reputation (more often these are “colored” poor areas);
  • Better not to go out alone if you are drunk. With a probability of 70%, something will be stolen from you;
  • It is not necessary to catch a ride, it is better to ride a taxi;
  • Check the map in the middle of crowded places as rarely as possible — this gives you a foreigner and greatly distracts from the situation around. For a pickpocket, this is the best moment to pull valuables from bags and clothes. If you need to look at the map, go to a cafe or “cling” to the walls of buildings where there is video surveillance.

If you are staying in an inexpensive motel or hotel, it is better to put your valuables in a safe. In large chain hotels, thefts practically never happen.

  1. 04.Health

Firstly, do not be lazy to make a full medical check-up in your own country. The condition of the teeth, the manifestations of chronic diseases, vaccinations against viruses — everything matters. Any medical procedures at home will cost many times cheaper than in the United States. For example, an ambulance call — from $400 to $1,000, excluding the cost of treatment.

Secondly, get health insurance. Coverage for a short tourist trip — at least $50,000, for a long — at least $100,000.

Photo of potted American flags — how to travel in the USA: tips — American Butler

Domestic issues

  1. 05.Communication with the Americans

Remember the penguins from the cartoon "Madagascar": "Smile and wave"? Take this for the main rule of communication. But there is a reservation — if you are a man, it is better for women not to wave, not to wink, not to snuggle close to them and generally interact neutrally. Accusations of harassment are still a joy.

It is also worth refraining from joking about nations and sexual orientations. The brighter you show friendliness, the more it is in response.

  1. 06.Electricity

In the USA, the voltage in the network is only 110 Volts, and the sockets of the sockets are very different. European plugs are not suitable for them. We advise you to purchase and take a special adapter with you in advance — in America, tourists have long been aware of this problem and trade adapters at exorbitant prices ($4-20). Better yet, if you bring portable charging and a car cigarette lighter charger with you.

Travel tips for America — travel photos for USA — American Butler

  1. 07.Accommodation

Booking "on the rack" at times increases the cost of the room, and if it is a day off — plus a few more dollars from above. Therefore, even if you are already in the United States and plan to move in the next hour, it is better to make a reservation via the Internet.

Also, some hotel chains (for example, Hilton) include in the program all who register on their website and reserve a room. If you plan to travel around the country and you will have the opportunity to check into only these hotels, accommodation will cost less at a "club" discount.

  1. 08.Measurement systems

In America, the British system of measures is used, which often causes misunderstanding with foreigners. But here everything is quite simple: use a converter or save yourself this table and navigate around it. Here are the most common measures that you will definitely encounter.

Distance / length

  • 1 foot = 30.5 cm;
  • 1 yard = 91 cm;
  • 1 mile = 1,68 km.


  • 1 oz = 28 g;
  • 1 pound = 450 g.


  • 1 fl oz = 29.6 ml;
  • 1 pint = 470 ml;
  • 1 gallon = 3.8 L.
USA and Florida photo maps — useful tips for Travelers going to the USA — American Butler

Moving and transporting

  1. 09.Street navigation

It is always better to use a navigator with a compass and accurately navigate around the world. Streets often have additional west or east markings, Americans often use these categories — they direct you south or west from some point. Even the metro has signs for uptown and downtown — they indicate the north and south directions to the streets.

Most often, numbering goes from west to east on street and from south to north on avenue.

  1. 10.Transport

If you are planning a vacation outside the boundaries of big cities, be sure to rent a car. Distances in America are huge, sometimes even to the store you have to go tens of kilometers.

In cities, it is better to buy subway tickets right away for a week, from state to state you can get on large Megabus regular buses or low-cost airlines, such as Spirit Airlines or United Express.

Important tips for tourists in America — American Butler

In fact, we still have a lot to tell. You can see this by scrolling through our site. And if you need help or advice on travel and leisure in the United States, please contact the chat window. Specialists at American Butler are happy to share their experience.

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