
Times Square: The World's Crossroads in New York

Times Square is the heartbeat of Manhattan, a place where the life of the Big Apple pulsates, from the dazzling neon lights to the endless marathon of theater performances.

Times Square has become a legendary square. People travel to New York just to stand there and gaze around, even if just for a few minutes! Let's explore why this place is so valued by tourists from all over the world.

Why 'Times' at all?

The name of the square was given by a New Year's advertising tradition and a truly American way of getting things done. Since the 18th century, this place had been an agricultural hub. The area belonged to a commander and friend of Washington, John Morin Scott, and later to his children. But by 1904, it was coveted by Adolph Ochs, the publisher of one of America's largest newspapers, The New York Times. Ochs quickly made connections with the then mayor of New York and managed to secure not just a spot for his editorial office but also the construction of a nearby subway station named Times Square. The publisher promoted the brand so desperately that he even convinced the officials.

Originally, the square was called Longacre Square. And it would have remained so, had not the editorial office settled there permanently. They owned the idea of the New Year's ritual: to attract even more attention to the brand, a symbolic Times Ball was attached to the spire of the office building, which would descend at the onset of the new year and then rise back up.

What seemed to be a simple performance started to gather crowds and solidified the square's new name among the people — Times Square. Where there are crowds, there's business and advertising... However, advertising is an integral part of Times Square. But more on that later.

Daytime view of Times Square, bustling with people and traffic

What's Interesting on Times Square

Firstly, Central Park is not far away. We'll delve into it more deeply, but the location is as prime as it gets — it's hard to get lost, and beauty is just around the corner.

Secondly, it's an intersection with a record-breaking footfall — around 300,000 pedestrians, 120,000 drivers, and passengers pass through every day. Nearly 180,000 people work in the buildings around Times Square. It might sound crazy, but the energy is intense.

Thirdly, it was here in 1904 that the world's first electronic billboard advertisement appeared. And it's with this thought that one should step onto this square, illuminated by gigantic advertising screens. Since 2008, all these giants have been powered by wind and solar energy. They are called spectaculars, claiming the title of the most spectacular advertising in the world.

Fourthly, it's the main cultural spot of the entire Manhattan. Theaters, cinemas, exhibition spaces, media companies, newspapers, galleries... Everything that American culture has grown from and is rich in is right here. This layer formed solely because of them — the enchanted people walking through the square. Simply visiting here means touching the history of the world's most famous metropolis.

Times Square in New York, quiet morning before the crowds

The Pulsating Heart of Times Square

"Good Morning America!" is broadcast daily by ABC from a studio right on Times Square. Representatives of the offices located here keep the area clean and orderly, while the streets are roamed by some of New York's most eccentric characters. This is the value of Times Square — it's from everyone, for everyone.

Here, everyone can find something of their own: from noisy Broadway theaters to quiet park squares hidden among skyscrapers. Not to mention the numerous shops, restaurants, and cafes offering culinary delights from around the world. The nightlife of Times Square never dims for a moment, turning this area into a true symbol of the "city that never sleeps."

Every year, Times Square becomes the epicenter of New Year's celebrations, gathering hundreds of thousands of people who wish to witness the famous descent of the crystal ball. This moment, full of magic and anticipation of new beginnings, has become iconic for all of America and the world.

Times Square is a place where destinies, cultures, and histories intertwine. It's the heart of New York, beating in unison with the hearts of millions of people who come here to feel part of something truly great.

Times Square during New Year's Eve celebration, New York

Jostling on this legendary square is something anyone can do — you just have to want it! And write to us at American Butler. We know how to find interesting corners even in the most commercial places in America, so you won't leave Times Square without joy and exclusivity.

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