
Funny US sex laws

The most interesting 18+ topic about the USA is sex laws.

The most funny and stupid sex laws in America

Americans are so prudent and meticulous that they classified everything from sex with porcupines to the smell of a partner's breath.

American Butler did a real study of the letter of the law. Now we are ready to present you the 10 most comical and amazing sexual laws with comments, comparisons and examples.

Forewarned is forearmed! If you are already an adult, read the article and find out how much beer you can drink during sex, where you can’t warm yourself with friction, and for what caresses you can get 20 years in prison.

Funny sex laws in the USA — American Butler

Movement in motion

Yet the British-Puritan roots of Americans make themselves felt. Sometimes they tend to streamline and translate into the legal field, even that which nature itself cannot order. For example, what is considered normal sex, and what should be fined and imprisoned.We present you the most absurd and funny US sex laws.

And yes, all this is absolutely serious. Although like most of them controlled, still a mystery.

In Detroit, a special relationship with cars. So special that only landlords are allowed to desecrate it with all sorts of carnal pleasures. You can have sex in a car only when it is parked on the territory of one of the participants in the process. If the police spotted — will have to stop and go for the documents to confirm the ownership of the land. Although if the documents will be all right, then continue to health. You can even ask the police to guard you from teens with cameras.

In the state of Utah, women are blamed for any car lewdness. If the driver is caught by the police with his pants open, they will fine his companion or his legal spouse. It does not matter if it was just a mistress or even another man who was riding next to a man — a chert la femme. Because of such letters of happiness, not one walking husband was pierced.

The city of Tremonton in the same Utah particularly distinguished itself: a local law specifically prescribes a ban on sex in ambulances, and the name of the participating (or absent, not important) woman will be printed in the local newspaper with an appeal to beware of the promiscuous.

In Pennsylvania, truckers will have to have a bit of a snack — sex in the cabs of trucks and at the cash desks of gas stations well, in no way should be allowed. The seduced cashier and ardent driver face dismissal.

The most delicate and attentive laws for extremes operate in Idaho. Before approaching and fining, the police are obliged to give a warning signal and wait at least two minutes. Trifle, but nice.

America's silliest sex acts — American Butler

Geniuses of the place

Although what we are talking about, the car has long been not extreme.

In the city of Newcastle, Wyoming, sex in industrial refrigerators for meat is prohibited, and in North Carolina — in a cemetery. In Arizona, taxi drivers are forbidden to “warm up” in the front seat during a flight. Illinois is asked to abstain from intercourse in hunting, fishing and weddings, whatever role you are in there. In Colorado, one cannot indulge in lewdness in rivers, lakes and even in an unfortunate little brook.

In the hotels of North Carolina, double beds are prohibited — even married people should sleep in two separate beds at a distance of at least half a meter from each other. To break the system and get settled for cases of varying degrees of indecency on the floor, in the interval between the beds is strictly prohibited. To move them for a while nobody even comes to mind.

In California, even the animals were forbidden to mate in a radius of 500 meters from schools, universities, catering and churches. No dog has yet paid the fine, but the authorities are not losing hope.

Photo oral preludes and tongue — the strangest and absurd sexual laws in the United States — American Butler

Watch your tongue

Particular attention is paid to sex, which does not meet the natural needs. Yes, yes, they found it in America too. In fact, this is any kind of sex that does not directly lead to childbirth. And the most violent sanctions for this are imposed in the south, where the influence of religion is still very strong.

Oral sex is banned in the states of South Carolina, Ohio, Arkansas and Missouri. Anal will not be tolerated in Nebraska (20 years in prison, Karl!) And Kentucky. Any type of sex other than vaginal sex will result in imprisonment up to 10 years and fines in Florida, Virginia, South Dakota, North Carolina (there are poses other than missionary banned), Michigan and Mississippi.

This is not a complete list, restrictions on sex "against nature" are in 18 states, on sex outside of marriage and (oh, horror!) By the light — and even more. In Washington, our nature is so carefully protected that women are forbidden to deprive of virginity under any pretext.

In the Texas city of Dallas, it is also forbidden to have any sex toys similar in appearance and dimensions to real body parts. Or, as they say, natur product, or straining as you like. In Arizona, those can be kept, but the number of active members in the house should not exceed three, including the one that is attached to the head of the family.

Stupid American Sex Laws — American Butler
Adultery in California is punishable by fine and a year in prison. More economical to go to change in Arkansas — there for this you can get rid of 20 bucks.

In the animal world

No matter how diverse the fauna and flora in the United States will have to hold back. At least sometimes.

  • In Michigan and Wyoming, one should not look at cattle (farmers are even specifically monitored for farmers), in Florida — in porcupines, in Illinois — in fish and dogs, in Minnesota — in birds. And it is also better not to grope vegetables in public.
  • But Washington and West Virginia make it possible to hang out: for sexual purposes it is allowed to use any animals weighing less than 18 kilograms.
Photos of sexy girls by the pool — stupid laws in the US — American Butler

Better not come up

There are in the American legislation and things that I want to get up and applaud, no less. The undisputed leader in this regard is the state of Minnesota.

A man from Minnesota has no right even to pester his girlfriend or spouse if he smells of fish, onion, or garlic. In case of harassment a woman has the right to seize the following bonuses:

  • Brushing teeth under police surveillance;
  • The legal prohibition of encroachments towards her.

In the harsh state of Maine, men are forbidden to drink more than three glasses of beer during sex. In no less severe Wisconsin — shoot from a firearm during orgasm. Of course, it is not forbidden from a bow and crossbow. And in Indiana, the court may oblige a man to shave off all facial hair, if his passion did not appreciate baleen tickles.

In Tennessee, a woman will not legally write first — a man can sue her for inviting her for a date.

Photo of a beautiful and sexy girl in a bathing suit with the flag of the USA — stupid and funny laws in America — American Butler

It seems that all this is nonsense? Feel like the mama ama criminal in practice — go to the USA and do not deny yourself anything.

And American Butler can help with travel arrangements and on-site activities. We have been living and working in America for a long time and are ready to share our accumulated knowledge and experience with you.

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