Our favorite subscribers, readers, friends, as well as war veterans, home front workers, countrymen!
I would like to congratulate you on the great holiday — Victory Day!

Happy holiday — May 9th!
Probably, in the history of each state there are special dates, forever deposited in the genetic memory of the descendants and the people. May 9 is the same day for us! Victory Day of life and courage over fear and death! Great Victory Day over the Nazis!
This holiday date will forever be deposited in our hearts, will live in the memory of those people whose close relatives, grandfathers and grandmothers have fought for almost 4 years with the most terrible evil — fascism!
True gratitude for faith, hope and an unprecedented feat, accomplished by our front-line soldiers, their children, wives, relatives left behind in the rear, protecting our country will never fade in our minds. We will never forget those who restored and revived from ruin, ashes and fire, our war-weary, torn to pieces homeland.
We pay tribute to the deepest respect for the people who have become heroes for us, making our way through the most terrible ordeals of our lives, and we want to congratulate our relatives and friends, friends and girlfriends, each of us with a great day - a symbol of unity and courage of our vast country!
Happy holiday!
Your American Butler.