Victory Day May 9
American Butler extends heartfelt congratulations to everyone on Victory Day!
May 9th is one of the most significant days in history and in the life of each individual. Many years ago, our then young grandfathers and their future wives gave people the opportunity to live freely and peacefully, to love without fear for their children, to see the clear sky, and to enjoy the beauty of nature. The only way to thank them is by remembering, passing on knowledge about the events of World War II to our children and grandchildren.
It’s not only the heroic feats of our ancestors that inspire, but also how they, weakened and exhausted by the war, managed to rebuild their homes and businesses, raise their families, and uplift their country. Only people with a strong spirit are capable of this, and this quality is passed down genetically. Like them, we too can achieve incredible heights, only in a peaceful manner!

Keep gratitude for the feats of your ancestors in your heart, preserve the peace they gifted in your country, home, and family. Carry respect for Victory through the years and instill this respect in the little hearts of your children. So that as they grow, they learn to value and love peace on their streets, avoiding aggression and violence in all its forms.
American Butler sincerely thanks all veterans for their heroic deeds and the future they gifted! Pride for your courage, wisdom, and heroism overflows in every member of our team. We believe in the lasting peace you have given us, just as you believed in Victory and then achieved it. We wish you health, longevity, and happiness surrounded by family!
Peace and kindness to you and your family members!
Yours sincerely, American Butler.