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Victory Day 2018

American Butler congratulates everyone on Victory Day!

May 9 is one of the most important days in the history and life of everyone. Many years ago, our young grandfathers and their future wives gave people the opportunity to live freely and peacefully, to love and not be afraid for their children, to see the clear sky and enjoy the beauty of nature. You can thank them only by memory, passing knowledge about the events of World War II to their children and grandchildren.

Victory Day - May 9, 2018

Day May 9

Inspiring not only the heroic feat of our ancestors, but also how weakened and exhausted by the war, they were able to rebuild their homes and businesses, raise their families and country. Only strong-willed people are capable of this, and this quality is transmitted at the genetic level, and we, like them, can achieve incredible heights only in a peaceful way!

Keep in heart the gratitude to the feats of ancestors, keep the peace they presented in your country, home, family. Carry through the years of respect for the Victory and settle this respect in the small hearts of your children. So that, growing up, they learn to appreciate and love the world on their streets, in every possible way avoiding manifestations of aggression and violence.

The company American Butler sincerely thanks all veterans for the perfect feat and for the gift of the future! Pride in your courage, wisdom and heroism overwhelms every team member. We believe in the duration of the world you donated as well as you believed in the Victory, and then achieved it. I wish you health, longevity and happiness in the family circle!

Peace and good to you and your family members!

Your American Butler.

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